logomichael sumner

Quick Story about A Level in the UK


I’ve got a quick story to tell.

I was at first really nervous taking my first exam on Physics and Maths, especially in a whole new country (the United Kingdom).

I traveled on my own by train — yet another new experience — to the exam centre in a place I’ve not been to before.

In fact, it was strange to me, but as I went it seemed to be just a regular day for the rest of the population there.

I took the exam. Met great people/students with similar interests to me!

More on how I did on the exam below.

Quick Story about A Level in the UK

Find your best study habits

I started out at home studying in the evenings. I tried this for a week. Knowing that I was only sleepy and didn’t retain much info.

So two days later, I studied early in the morning before work. That proved to be more effective.

I’ve moved from being at the library at different times, staying at home, leaving a window open, study music, and even changing the environment around every so often.

But find out what suits you the best. You will realise that you have had several breakthrough moments in that environment/s, where you’ve learned new ideas. It starts to become a sanctuary of some sort.

Learn to focus with high standards

And then came the disadvantage of online study material — funny cat videos.

Quick Story about A Level in the UK

I realised that I actively have to restrict myself from forms of distractions.

Simply put ‘Willpower’ is being depleted just to avoid distraction, making me feel groggy. Shouldn’t willpower be used for studying new material instead?

So I had to install a few free Chrome restriction tabs to keep my willpower and focus intact:

  • News Feed Eradicator for Facebook (to see a motivational quote instead of the dreaded scrolling)
  • Hide YouTube Comments (to avoid the possibility of scrolling down to comments. Focus on the video!**)
  • Anti-Porn Pro – The best Anti-Porn addon! (to avoid the distracting adult content on the internet)

The ‘High Standards’ part of this heading is that you will have to go intense with the focus, so that you absorb as much information that is humanly possible, so that you can carry on your day.

It’s either go big or go home in studying. I have noticed that it has to be intensive. Because in that way you create a space of curiosity for yourself, to think in all possible angles or perspectives of the situation.

And just as the Feynman technique is used, you have to explain what you have learned. And intentionally realise what information you did not absorb.

It’s a brutal studying technique, but that happens to be the best there is. Heck, even Richard Feynman uses it to get so well in Physics, yet he describes Physics so simply.

Quick Story about A Level in the UK

Always be open to opportunities

From one of the books of a billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson (Fake It Till You Make It):

If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes – then learn how to do it later!

That pretty much sums up that actions speak louder than words.

If it’s a project to work on, always say ‘Yes’, because as a Web Developer this is to keep yourself on the perspective of being in the competitive playground.

You have to keep yourself in the arena, constantly winning.

Quick Story about A Level in the UK
The Fibonacci spiral, also known as ‘The Divine Proportion’

Work on Results

Another great entrepreneur Peter Voogd mentions that:

20% of all your activities you do account for 80% of your income. Figure out what those are.

Peter’s got a great book where he lays out a programme and set of exercises + a blueprint 6 Months to 6 Figures. If possible, I’d definitely let you choose the audiobook version, because Peter gives his invaluable insights/stories too!

You may have heard of this 20/80 rule — also known as the Pareto Principle. It’s really an interesting ratio (just like the Golden Ratio used in Web Design) since it crops up around different stats and graphs! However not exactly 20/80, but somewhere around this ratio.

In fact, a quick search of ‘Pareto principle UX’ gives out real user-based research on this!


The key takeaway notes for this post would be:

  • Learn the Feynman technique and practice it for 2 weeks (as an experiment for yourself)
  • Work on results, and realise that only 20% of what you do account for 80% of your achievements. Find those valuable activities ASAP.
  • Always back yourself up (straight back posture too ?) with your Achievements — stuff that make you a Confident person.
  • As you work, be ‘in the Zone’ as much as possible (it saves time)

And yes, how I did in the exam was that I failed in my Physics and Math examination, but that has only opened a whole new set of experiences for me as a Web Developer, to not be let down by this, and to refocus myself towards a unique path.

I hope you keep yourself focused weekly on your weekly accomplishments — your Weekly Prize! ?

If you’re interested on the power of the mind, have you heard of Nikola Tesla? Or Einstein? Or Thomas Edison? These guys control their minds — and all are accomplished men! I’ve written a post about them here.