logomichael sumner

New Tool: FAQ Schema Generator for SEO

There’s a few FAQ Schema Generators out there — but none using the Microdata format. But all of these are for the LD+JSON format. Yes, the LD+JSON format is popular and recommended by Google for its ease of use and implementation. However, this format doesn’t always get to work instantly, or just wouldn’t work at all. What was found out was that the microdata format for FAQ Schema is a lot faster in getting indexed as compared to the LD+JSON format.

Check it out below.

Tool in Action

You can visit the FAQ Schema Generator, and feel free to test it out and give me your feedback.

Some screenshots below:

New Tool: FAQ Schema Generator for SEO
Adding an FAQ results in a confetti surprise!
New Tool: FAQ Schema Generator for SEO
You can also copy the generated code to your clipboard.

What About the Yoast Gutenberg FAQ Block?

You may have heard about the Yoast SEO Gutenberg FAQ block. However, this works at the moment only for the Gutenberg editor that you would find on WordPress. And as such, this still uses the LD+JSON format. It does work, but at the moment not in all cases. It is completely valid though, but we just couldn’t figure out exactly behind the scenes why the LD+JSON format of FAQ will not get shown onto the search results.

Why use the Microdata vs LD+JSON Format for FAQ Schema?

We believe that the microdata format is indexed almost instantly (within 5 minutes) due to the nature of it being the go-to for the Search Console (Webmaster Tools) Data Highlighter Tool. This could be the reason why it is easier to index for Google.

Also, the microdata format by its very nature is inline schema, as compared to the LD+JSON format which isn’t inline. The microdata format can only work if you have the accommodating Question and Answer pairs written on your webpage, from which you itemise them with the microdata attributes, for example itemscope, itemtype, and itemprop.

Technologies Used

You may wonder why this tool is so damn quick to load. This is because it was built using Vue.js. It isn’t running on WordPress, but rather almost entirely through JavaScript. Please note that we are in 2019 and Google well indexes JavaScript as a result of platforms like Wix which a great deal on JavaScript, and that considering most users have JavaScript enabled on their devices in this current day and age.

You will want to have a gander and see how this seems to fit for you. It is properly marked up with schema using the microdata format.

Let me know your thoughts and I can send across any updates necessary to include in the next version! Happy SEO! 🙂