logomichael sumner

Error #129 WP Migrate DB Pro

Error #129, thrown from the function ‘ajax_verify_connection_to_remote_site’, stops you from your database push/pull. WP DB Migrate Pro is a great plugin, and I’ve tackled this error as it is reproducible. It’s not the fault of the plugin developers for this cause of error #129.

I’ve encountered this error many times and so I’d rather make this a blog post for myself, as well as for everyone else who will stumble upon this.

Please see my video for a clear outline of what to do (it’s only 1 minute long) and why the error is caused.

Nevertheless, check below for what I’ve found out about this #129 error.

The Cause and the Fix

The cause of the error could simply be that you’ve still got an Anti-spam plugin activated on your Production/Live website. This was my case in that I’ve still got the plugin ‘Spamshield’ still activated. So to fix this Error #129 we’ll simply have to disable the Anti-Spam plugin before we begin the push/pull from/to your Development website.

I used Local by Flywheel on my Mac to easily spin up a WordPress website.

If you’ve noticed that it might be another plugin, please go through the procedure of disabling all plugins on your Production/Live website (except WP DB Migrate Pro of course!) and see if that has fixed the issue. It most likely will be a plugin not allowing the connection between the WP Migrate DB Pro installs from Development and Production.

My two cents

Please do isolate the plugin causing the problem, so that you can find out what exactly was causing it. Is it a plugin that disallows other connections? Is it a plugin that needs whitelisting of WP DB Migrate Pro?

It is better to find the root cause. It’s part of being a logical web developer. So that when someone will ask the question (even yourself) you’ll be knowledgeable having learned from this experience of finding the root cause of the error, and it might just be Error #129!

If you’ve enjoyed this post please see my other posts around the ’Web’ or ’WordPress’ category.

A good post that should be useful to you is my ’Web Development Setup on Windows’ mini series. I use Mac at home but have come to the massive conclusion to use Windows at work. One thing for sure is that Windows has released support for Linux apps not too long ago — a surefire sign that Microsoft is finally supporting unix-like systems — and what more will be in store in the next couple of years!