logomichael sumner

WordPress Custom Thank You Text

Did you know that you can update your WordPress Thank you text? Try the code out below by placing it within your functions.php file:

add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'mg_thankyou');
function mg_thankyou() {
	Thank you for creating with the Best CMS ever!

Or maybe if it is easier, place it within your Code Snippets plugin. That way, you will be able to avoid the issues of admin code residing within a theme — which is meant to be for front-end visuals of your website only.

View the code snippet

Download the snippet by going to the code snippet and clicking the WordPress Custom Thank You Text  button.
Import your code snippet, and activate your code snippet. Viola!
You will see something like this to the bottom of your body of content:

WordPress Custom Thank You Text
Your new custom WordPress thank you text

But what if you wanted to add more? There’s always room for more creativity. So how about adding some emojis to make your thank you text look more dazzling?

Added Quirks: Emojis

Now it is really easy to create your own Thank you text. What if you like to use an emoji? You will have to be careful of the emoji compatibility though, since not all emojis are supported by all browsers and/or devices. You will have to make sure that you are using well-supported basic emojis.

If you’re thinking of using the wp smileys, unfortunately these WordPress ‘emoticons’ and ‘smileys’ only work within the post editor. The thank you text is outside of this editor, and therefore cannot support the WP smileys.

WordPress Custom Thank You Text
Basic emojis like a smiley face, sad face, and heart are well-supported across browsers and devices.

So probably no winky animated smileys, but you will still be able to use a wide range of emojis on the thank you text.

Normally the thank you text will stay simple. But you can always go that little bit further…

WordPress Custom Thank You Text
A message box of thank you text with basic emojis

See the code below on how to add a little message box surrounding your WordPress Thank you text:

add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'mg_thankyou');
function mg_thankyou() {

Thank you for creating with the Best CMS ever! ? ☹️ ❤️


But this is against the WordPress standards so I would not recommend adding a notice message in the footer where this thank you text is found!

Now wonder using a <div class="updated notice">...</div> just disappears in the #wpfooter! So I’ve resorted to the paragraph element p as the notice instead.

Hey rather, the thank you text is meant to display gratitude for how customisable WordPress can be to the internet.

So how about expressing gratitude for the internet using this space for Thank you text?

What is your thank you message? Maybe write a plugin that has powerful quotes or WordPress live CMS stats? Let us know in the comments below!