logomichael sumner

WP All Import for Tribe Events with Tickets meta

WP All Import for Tribe Events with Tickets meta
You can examine that the event ID is linked to the product ID somehow

A thing to take note is when importing Events under the same ID (with this instance, Tribe Events) which contain tickets post meta. Is that it would not work with WP All Import, at this time of writing. Instead, make use of the WordPress Importer tool.

The reasoning behind this is that the associated event post ID is linked to its ticket products.

Therefore if the solution would involve re-importing posts under the same post ID, then it is best to make use of the WordPress Importer tool.

Steps to import tribe events with tickets meta

  1. Make a database backup of the live website. Typically I use Updraft Plus as it’s quick and easy.
  2. From the website containing the archived data, do export all Event post types, under ToolsExport.
    You’ll automatically download an XML file.
  3. On the live website, install the WordPress Importer Tool, under ToolsImportWordPress
  4. Upload the XML file onto the live website

You will want to further test to make sure that you can visit the post ID and that the ticket metabox appears with the valid ticket product. The URL to visit this is /wp-admin/post.php?post=478121&action=edit, replacing 478121 with your sample event post ID.

In conclusion, if you might know how to import events whilst keeping the same ID (and the ID was previously deleted on that website) without WP All Import skipping it, please let me know either here or contact me. 🙂